Icerental4x4 Cookie control
In order for the website to function properly and to enable us to further improve the site, for the purpose of improving your browsing experience, this site must store a small amount of information (cookies) on your computer.
By using the Website you consent to the use of Cookie. By blocking cookies you can still browse the site, but some of its features will not be available to you.
What is a cookie?
A cookie is information stored on your computer by the website you visit. Cookies usually save your preferences, web page settings, such as your preferred language or address. Later, when you reopen the same webpage, the browser sends back the cookies belonging to that webpage. This allows the page to display information tailored to your needs.
Cookies can store a wide range of information, including personal information (such as your name or email address). However, this information can only be saved if you enable it - websites cannot access information that you did not provide and cannot access other files on your computer. The default cookie save and send activity is not visible to you. However, you can change your browser settings so that you can choose whether to approve or reject the cookie requests, delete the saved cookies automatically when you close your browser and the like.
How do I disable cookies?
By turning off cookies, you decide whether to allow cookies to be stored on your computer. Cookie settings can be controlled and configured in your web browser. If you disable cookies, you will not be able to use some of the functionality on the web site.
What are temporary cookies?
Temporary session cookies or cookies are removed from your computer after you close your Internet browser. With them, websites store temporary information, such as items in a shopping cart.
What are permanent cookies?
Permanent or saved cookies remain on your computer after you close your browser program. With them, websites store information, such as your login name and password, so you don't have to log in each time you visit a specific site. Permanent cookies will stay on your computer for days, months, even years.
What are first-party cookies?
First-party cookies come from the websites you are viewing and may be permanent or temporary. With these cookies, websites can store information that they will reuse the next time they visit that site.
What are third party cookies?
Third-party cookies come from ads from other sites (such as pop-ups or other ads) that appear on the site you are viewing. With these cookies, websites can track the use of the Internet for marketing purposes.
For more information, see: